It is the main script, the core module of the LCN-HippoModel project.
Its function is to:
- Load the parameters from the LCNhm_configurationfile
- Create the pyramidal cell according to the configuration parameters through the LCNhm_class
- Run the simulation
- Save the specified physical magnitudes inside
The FolderName
is define by one of the LCNhm_functions, and looks like:
< D(ate)YearMonthDay _ T(ime)HourMinute _ OPT_FOLDER_NAME >
Eg.: ./ LCNhm-results / D20190730_T1030_First_Test
It will add suffixes if the folder already exists:
Eg.: ./ LCNhm-results / D20190730_T1030_First_Test_001
Eg.: ./ LCNhm-results / D20190730_T1030_First_Test_002
Eg.: ./ LCNhm-results / D20190730_T1030_First_Test_003
Eg.: ./ LCNhm-results / D20190730_T1031_First_Test
Eg.: ./ LCNhm-results / D20190730_T1031_First_Test_001
It will contain:
- TimeSpikes.txt: Time of spikes. If there are no spikes, it will write
- Recordings_Vmem.txt: Recordings of the membrane potential (if specified in the LCNhm_configurationfile)
- Recordings_Imem.txt: Recordings of the membrane current (if specified in the LCNhm_configurationfile)
- Recordings_Pos.txt: Spatial positions (if specified in the LCNhm_configurationfile)
Membrane potentials (Vmem) and membrane currents (Imem) along time of each recording site is saved in different rows. Position is saved in different rows for each recording SIMPROP_TEMPERATURE
Functions and descriptions¶
= [[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], ['SomaList0'], [0.0]]¶ List of properties for all desired current pulses, packed to be a one of the
’s inputsLCNhm_configurationfile.CURRENT_DURATION
: List of durations of each current pulse in millisecondsLCNhm_configurationfile.CURRENT_DELAY
: List of delays of each current pulse in millisecondsLCNhm_configurationfile.CURRENT_AMPLITUDES
: List of amplitudes of each current pulse in nanoampers (nA)LCNhm_configurationfile.CURRENT_SECTION
: List of sections of each current pulseLCNhm_configurationfile.CURRENT_LOCATION
: List of location along the definedLCNhm_configurationfile.CURRENT_SECTION
of each current pulse
Their length must be the same, the number of different current clamps
Click any of the links for further information
= '/home/andrea/Projects/HippoModel/LCNhippomodel/LCNhm-results/D20200219_T1338_test'¶ String – Full name of folder where results will be saved
= [['iNas', 'iA', 'iAHPs', 'iC', 'iCaL', 'iCaT', 'iKDR', 'iM', 'iHCN', 'iL'], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 2]¶ List – List of all intrinsic properties, packed to be a one of the
’s inputsLCNhm_configurationfile.CELLPROP_INTRINSIC_IONCHS
: Ion channels to include in the cellLCNhm_configurationfile.CELLPROP_INTRINSIC_EXPERIMENT
: Additional factor multiplying the following maximum conductances and axial resistanceLCNhm_configurationfile.CELLPROP_INDIVIDUAL
: Number of the intrinsic genetic-algorithm individual
Click any of the links for further information
= <LCNhm_class.neuron_class object>¶ Object – Pyramidal from
= {'Vmem': {'ApicList0_020': Vector[5], 'SomaList0_000': Vector[4], 'ApicList0_060': Vector[6]}, 'Pos': {'ApicList0_020': [15.890000343322754, -45.37799835205078, 172.83999633789062, 0.9200000166893005], 'SomaList0_000': [-0.3199999928474426, -32.43199920654297, -0.550000011920929, 8.430000305175781], 'ApicList0_060': [-76.08000183105469, -15.107999801635742, 464.25, 0.7799999713897705]}, 'Time': Vector[3]}¶ Dictionary – Ouput from
with recordings of theLCNhm_class.neuron_class
= [['CA3', 'CA2', 'EC3', 'EC2', 'Axo', 'Bis', 'CCK', 'Ivy', 'NGF', 'OLM', 'PV', 'SCA'], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], True, 166.0, 0, 1660.0, 0.025, 0]¶ List – List of all synaptic properties, packed to be a one of the
’s inputs *LCNhm_configurationfile.CELLPROP_SYNAPTIC_INPUTS
: Synaptic inputs to include in the cellLCNhm_configurationfile.CELLPROP_SYNAPTIC_EXPERIMENT
: Additional factor multiplying the following maximum conductancesLCNhm_configurationfile.SIMPROP_THETA_MODE
: Set theta (True
) or not (False
: Theta period in millisecondsLCNhm_configurationfile.SIMPROP_START_TIME
: Lapse of time before starting the simulation in millisecondsLCNhm_configurationfile.SIMPROP_END_TIME
: Total duration of the simulation in milliseconds (LCNhm_configurationfile.SIMPROP_START_TIME
Click any of the links for further information